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Electric scheme

Miniatura - Schemat elektryczny

The instruction of creating and editing of the electric schemes.


Thanks to EDS software it is possible to prepare legible electric scheme of switchgear is easy to prepare way.


Schemat elektryczny - Zakładka

After preparing the 3D project you can complete it by using electric scheme.In order to do this, click on electric scheme bookmark.

Schemat elektryczny - Okno schematu

After switching the bookmark, the electric scheme window will appear. All electrical equipments used in 3D designer will be presented as symbols.

Schemat elektryczny - Ustawianie

Elements can be freely set on electric scheme by dragging it and dropping on the chosen place.

Schemat elektryczny - Obracanie

Symbols, which are on the elecric scheme, can be rotated. For this purpose, click on rotate button. Each click causes 45 degree rotation of the symbol.

Schemat elektryczny - Rysowanie przewodów

After elements placing, we can start to draw electrical connections. For this purpose, click on "add wire


Schemat elektryczny - Wiązania

To make an electrical connection, click on symbol's bonding. The available connection point will be marked in yellow after moving the cursor over it.

Schemat elektryczny - Załamania

After clicking on the connection, the wire will appear. Futher clicks on the electric scheme will create points, in which the connection line will break.

Schemat elektryczny - Zakończenie przewodu

Mark further points by joining symbols. To finish the wire, click ENTER or OK button in toolbox. Double LMB click will also finish the operation.

Schemat elektryczny - Edycja przewodu

Wires are still editable after placing them on the scheme.Marked connections can be dragged with use of visible handles.

Schemat elektryczny - Wybór typu przewodu

The program gives the possibility to mark the protective wires. For this purpose, use the add wire function, then choose type: PE/PEN bus from tollbox.

Schemat elektryczny - Przewód PEN

Next step is to choose the beginning and the end of the PE/PEN bus by LMB clicking.

Schemat elektryczny - Symbole

Electric scheme can be additionaly  completed with electrical symbols, outflows and grounds. To use it, click on add electrical symbol button and choose the proper type from the list. Next drag it to the designer window.

Schemat elektryczny - Rysowanie bloków

Blocks drawing is also possible. This function is helpful during dividing the electric scheme into sections and preparing descriptions. To draw a block, click on the "add block" button, then select the area, where it should be.

Schemat elektryczny - Ustawianie parametrów

Part of electrical equipment have got possibility to set parameters, such as: rated current, connection's type. After marking the element, open the properties and choose the interesting parameters.


Schemat elektryczny - Dodawanie etykiet

Custom desriptions can be placed on the electric scheme, default description can be placed. To write a text, click "add etiquette" button. Then choose an area for the text by clicking and use keyboard to type in.

Schemat elektryczny - Opcje etykiet

The window with available options will appear in the toolbox. You can set type and size of a font, rotation and alignment for longer texts.

Schemat elektryczny - Oznaczenia

The ready electric scheme can be completed by i.e. wires' indications and connection's type.

Właścicielem programu jest firma EMITER. Wszystkie prawa zastrzeżone